Speech therapy for children focuses on helping young individuals develop and improve their communication skills. Speech therapists work with children who have difficulties with speech, language, or swallowing, which can arise from various conditions. The therapist assesses the child’s abilities and designs a personalized treatment plan to address specific areas of concern, such as articulation, vocabulary, grammar, or oral-motor skills. Through individualized interventions and collaborative work with parents, teachers, and other professionals, speech therapy empowers children to express themselves effectively and participate fully in their daily activities.

Herman and Associates Children’s Therapy provides individual or group therapy on-site at our office for speech and occupational therapy for ages birth to 21 years of age. We provide ST and OT in the child’s natural environment (home, daycare, etc.) Under special circumstances we will treat individuals who exceed 21 years of age. We also provide individual therapy for learning-disabled youngsters and offer academic assistance.

Herman and Associates Children’s Therapy works closely with many Central Florida Physicians, as well as CMS’s Early Steps program that serves infants and toddlers birth to age three. Early Steps provides families and caregivers with services to enhance their child’s development. There is no charge for Early Steps services. Charges will be covered by insurance or Medicaid when applicable. Please go to FDOH Early Steps for further information, or call Herman and Associates Children’s Therapy at 407-898-5060.

The Speech/Language Pathologist provides comprehensive evaluation and treatment to improve speech and language for:

• Neurologically impaired
• Learning disabled
• Developmentally delayed
• Reduce/modify stuttering
• Verbal and Oral Apraxia
• Facilitate lip/speech reading
• Improve swallowing difficulties, which may include changing diet texture, exercising weakened muscles and learning new ways to swallow.
• Articulation disorders
• Voice disorders
• Hearing Impaired
• Autism
• Recommend augmentative communication systems when appropriate